2042 Civil War

Character lineup
This lineup showcases the different factions of the 2042 Civil War. 
(from right to left)
-Gemsbok Rebels
-Milita of the liberated nations
-Government Army of the United Nations of Africa Elite Unit
-Third eye terrorist group

Character lineup
This lineup showcases the different factions of the 2042 Civil War.
(from right to left)
-Gemsbok Rebels
-Milita of the liberated nations
-Government Army of the United Nations of Africa Elite Unit
-Third eye terrorist group

BoomBoy, Gemsbok Rebels

BoomBoy, Gemsbok Rebels

Mwasi bibende, Armed milita

Mwasi bibende, Armed milita

Augmented Soldier, Government Army of the United Nations of Africa Elite Unit

Augmented Soldier, Government Army of the United Nations of Africa Elite Unit

Sentinelle and MBWA-01 BOT, Third eye terrorist group

Sentinelle and MBWA-01 BOT, Third eye terrorist group

Sentinelle 3D raw blockout turn.

MBWA-01 BOT 3D raw blockout turn.

BoomBoy 3D raw blockout turn.

BoomBoy quick sketches over 3D render to explore character. About 2-3 minutes per variation

BoomBoy quick sketches over 3D render to explore character. About 2-3 minutes per variation

Mwasi bibende 3D raw blockout turn.

2042 Civil War is a personal project in which I imagined different factions within a global conflict on the African continent in 2042.
Here are short descriptions for each faction.

- Government Army of the United Nations of Africa Elite Unit:
This unit is part of the Government Army of the United Nations of Africa.
The unit is made from heavily augmented elite soldiers. Known to destroy anything on its way this death squadron is feared by all.

-Milita of the liberated nations:
The militia used to be a branch of the Government Army of the United Nations of Africa.
They rebelled against the government in 2040 and started the conflict by claiming the independence of South Africa.

-Gemsbok Rebels:
The Gemsbok rebels work closely with The militia of the liberated nations. They are however active in the territories occupied by the Government Army of the United Nations of Africa. They are considered as a terrorist organisation by the government and are leading a civil war within the United Nations of Africa territories.

-Third eye terrorist group:
The Third Eye is a terrorist group financed by the Government Army of the United Nations of Africa and active within the territories of the liberated nations.
As a group of religious fanatics they are armed with cutting edge technology by the government causing chaos and fear in the liberated nations territories.